Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Still here....

...just! It's the half term holidays here, the kids are off for 2 weeks - arrgghh!! So I am busy keeping them from killing each other!

Also, I seem to have a serious attack of startinganotherprojectbeforeIfinishthefirstone-itis !! My Mum always tried to instill in me the theory of finishing off something before starting something new, but I have always been a flitter, and I like to have lots of different things on the go so I have some variety. I have at least 5 projects on the go right now, so although I have been crafting lots, I have nothing to show for it... The only thing I have finished this week is a CJ entry, which I can't show you anyway!

Jemma did her first scrapbook page yesterday - Mum bought her an album kit for her birthday with a view to her being able to put photos from New Zealand in it, but she never got round to it. And now she has her own camera, she wanted to scrap one of the pictures she took over the summer - of the flowers in our garden. She added some lovely journalling too. So now I need to hide the stash LOL, or at least drip feed her some of my older supplies so she doesn't help herself...

Hope to be back with photos of finished projects soon.....

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